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Karp Treskunov, Olga Treskunova , Boris Komarov, Alex Goroshetchenko, Vlad Glebov Hospital RAN in Chernogolovka, Unit ''Ecology and Healthy", Moskau Science medicine sentry, University . Moskau sentry ' Healthy and Longevity', Moskau
Phytotherapy is the science of using herbs to trea illnesses. Phytotherapy had been used successfully even to treat cancer by the well know pioneers of modern medicine Hippocrates, Avicena, Galen and Badmeyev. Because of the development and use of modern pharmacoloqical agents as well as innovations in surgical techniques, in the last century or so , phytotherapy as an alternative clinical cancer treatment has been nearly forgotten and all but excluded from modern medical curricula. 30 year's ago, we began collating computerized date evaluating phytotheraapy in the treatment of canzer taking into accaunt each patient's history of disease , clinical syndroms , various other treatments and each patient's unique mixtures of herbs. A team of mathematicians and phytotherapust's created a program called CBPH, wich we used to uvaluate the data. In 19922 year we began using a herbal preparation, called Galen's phytopreparation in treatment of cancer. This preparation includes biologically active extracts of chitozan. Liquid chitodez and dry extract of a special molecular complex phytomixture called Phytoxitodez. This preparation was manufactured in strict compliance according to the state Russian registry of pharmacotherapeutic's . It would appear that analusis of the data shows promise in oncological treatment,using this preparation with what in now considered more orthodox methods in cancer treatment since the studies we unitiated in 1992 year. Our work different's from other autors who only used phytotherapy in their treatments and ous stadies clearly show that the combination of phytotherapy with more orthodox treatments work, especially for the treatment of cancer. Table 1. Demonstration that there is more the one passilility processing the date.
Table 1 . Efficacy use of phytoxitodezovs 01,02 ,05 achieves healthin cancer patients too in terms of symtoms, syndroms.
We and Kiev autor used phytotherapy whis fundamentation medicin
Analysis usid phytoxitodezov 01--anticancer 02-- stomachinfection 05--immunodeficiency which gives information that those who are modaratelyill record 34% and thos seriouslyill recover from 7% to 45,7% of the time , wich shows the efficacy of this phytoxitodezov.
For statistics to be taken four groups patients /Table 2--7/ 1 group -cancerpatience, treatments phytotherapy whis syrgical, chemotherapy and/ or x-raytherapy. All patience 150 or 30%. 2 group--cancerpatience , treatments phytotherapy whis syrgical. All patience 92 or 29%. 3 group--cancerpatience, treatments phytotherapy whis chemotherapy and x-raytherapy. All patience 128 or 28%. 4 group -- cancerpatience , treatments phytotherapy . All patience 82 or 19%.
Table 2. Statistics treatments of 4-th group patience
SRV- survive, DSS – deseased, UKN - unknown Table2--7 about period 5 years and more. Deseases patience results of summary 1+2+3+4+5 years before 5 years. Unknown patients was taken of period concrete watching.
Table 4 . First group cancerpatience treatments with phytotherapy , syrgical, chemotherapy, x-raytherapy.
S – survive, D – deseased, U - unknown table 4--7 tabulation for four group cancerpatience in quantitative and rercent dynamics treatments. Different percent survive in watching time give information of total dynamics treatments in concretegroup cancerpatience, and in compare with number survive before period and in given period watching, .The beste show in first group. Efficacy treatments low of 4-th groupTable 5. Second group cancerpatience, treatments phytotherapy and surgical.
Atention, wath the date demonstration beder treatments last teen years of cancerpatience. If before 1994 year of phytotherapy used 37% incurabel cancerpatience, or to 2002 only 18%. It is low number incurabel cancerpatience, low rejection for used surgical, chemotherapy and x-raytherapy . Our a books , lecture, article in science iurnal and science conference, congress give anoyher situation for treatments cancerpatience. In first and second group officacy treatment to get through, or in three group and four --low. Statistics for 1 and 2 group more 1 year survive 93--94% more 3 years survive 83--87% intil 5 years 62--63% more 5 years 51 % Absolutle tragedy toxicitus chemistryprepare, to long cours chemotherapy and patience death from necrosisnephritis and kidnes insufficiency. We shat inside vine 10-20 ml 10% liquid NaCL. Absolutle tragedy doctor not know this metodics, patience to die off.
Table 6 Third group cancerpatience, treatments phytotherapy , chemotherapy, x-raytherapy.
Analysis fact show efficacy treatments phytotherapy for all case illnesses and all case combinaion treatment whis hope an full recovery. Recidiuism cancerpatience low by lifelong useded herbs for healthy same tea. Table 7. Fourthy group, treatments phytotherapy.
Making Heral remedies --------------------------------- Infus: 5 - 6 g mix put an 500ml cold water 25-30*C, 6 - 8 hours insist, filtrate. Standart dose : one half cup three time a day and before slippin. drink before eating 15 - 20 min. Second fraction: pour cold water 250 ml, 1 hour insist, volume has been reduced, .Used by compress and enemy -50 ml two times a day. Grounds dry used for bath ,before pour hot water 3 litre over the herb. Decoct: Special mix 5 -7 g pour hot water over 500 ml the herb, insist 1 hour, Later also infus. Tincture: Special mix 150 - 200 g pour 1 litre 50% alcohol or vodka. Seal the bottle a cold and dark plase 24 hours. Volume has been reduced a 2 litre battle. After, dry mix put with 500 ml vodka and 2 hours later put together with first exstract. Dry mix add hot water 100*C 1 litre ,then pour into a bottle. Used by compress. Ungwentum: 100 g porcine fat melt the fats in a bowl over a pan of boiling water , add the dried herb 20g and heat gently four hours. Fit a jelly bag around the rim of a wine press. Stir constantly until cold. Of 40-50 *C add chitozan / lowmolecular, polifraction/ 0,25-0,50 % from weight ungewentum. Prescription ungewentum second porcine fat add to extractum or extractum sicum 10-20% of temperathur 20-25 *C. Put same cream around sick place. Pulvis: Grinding mix herbs, cut with nife, later koffeegrind used or used extract herbs together wwth liquid form chitozan--chitodezom.Powder to top up capsul' Tobuletis: Make from pulvis with flour / rise,dendelion root, burdok root/. Suppositorium prepare same ungewentum, another form--small candle.
Phytoxitodeztherapy we recomend of shema. First start -before 2-3 a days to syrgical, or chemotherapy, or x-raytherapy. Second start - after 2-3 a days treatments assign phytoxitodez 02, add 1:1 chitozan and extract siccum special: Hamommile -2 Peppermint -2 Plantain -2 St, Jonst -1 Yarrov -1 Put a tablets down the tonque . Capsul must drink with water. 1-2 each --3-4 time a day. Accessory officiecy not know. Goverment healthy quard Russia give direction of phytoxitodez--biological extension to food. Producer ZAO ''Biological progress'' city Shelkovo, Moskau area e- mail biolog@shelkovo.comcor.ru 1 Phytoxitodez 02 conduction: of distyrbed function stomach route liverdiseis and liverish bladder, pancreas and for intoxication x-raytherapy and chemotherapy. But same recomend for preventive and treatments chemostry and x-ray illnesses necrosenefrose,hepatitis and vomit, diarea, kidnes inadequacy. 2 Phytoxitodez 05 recomend preventive and treatments x-ray and chemistrydiseas of patogenesis,symptoms, syndroms identichny. Decontrol oppression blood function and immunity, leukemia, trombone, anemy, pustule canker and another. For treatments used phytoxitodez 05 , add chitodez and extraction siccum special /phytomix N 5 Yarrov-23g St. Jonts Wort -23g Burdok 21g Plantain 20g Common Birch 20g Knott grass 19 g Tormentil root 19 g Dendelion root 18g Tanacetum 18g Hammomile 18g Nettle 18g Melilot 17g Polugonum per 17g Rosa canina 17g Pot Marigold 16g Hippophae rh 16g Pulmanaria off 15g Peppermint 15g Inula Helenium 15g Origanum vulgar 14g Horsetail 13gBidnes tripartita 13g Filipendula ulm 13g Recomend tablets of 1-2 each down tonque 3-4 time a day, continue 10-12 days to renovation bloodfunction,immunity, reduced cancer,failure an issue of blood and infection desiase. Phytoxitodez 01 recomend or mix N 100 for ever life, never stap / one manth's pause, no moore/. If you drink tea from mix, you have happy life' Wold organization healthyquard VOZ accaunt efficecy of treatment cancerpatience two fact. 1 to get to survive liflong 2 A good quality of life A good quality of life fact of 90% patience treatment pphytotherapy. Teen years constant all patience / incurabel too / a good quality of life. Wih start phytotheapy dissipation pain, emetic, sickness, beder appetites, weigth, go aut depreshen. Treatments chemotherapy, x-raytherapy together wish phytotherapy not elaborate x-ray and chemistry illnesses. X-ray and chemistry illnesses different only etiology; patogenesis, symptom's, syndrom's identification.
Most doctors are of the opinion that when metastases occur, that the patient is untreatable using conventional chemotherapy,radiation therapy and surgery. Our experiments, as shown in the corresponding tables , render a different view of this situation. For example, B, born 1914 described in the books and articles was found to have cancer of the stomach, reqiuring a gastrectomy, In 1971, the tumor recurred. A second surgery was attempted and a large tumor mass involving the pancreas was found with multiple small seedlet tumors involving the liver and omentum> the large tumor mass was excized and 2 months later cheomtherapy was started, a total of three courses was given. She then started hot infusions of anti cancer mix of herbs and phytoximodez type 01,in pill form. In 200o he had surgery for adenocarcinoma of the prostate and in 2001 had surgery for closed trauma of the brain after an car accident. The science of phytotherapy is not only based on statistics but also on case studies during the diagnosis and Treatment of patients.
Percent of these could live more than 5 years. This work was presented at the Science Society of Phytotherapists on January 30 2002.